Kagua Secondary School Kagua Provincial High School was converted to Secondary School in 2010. The school is located in the Kagua valley in the l in the Southern Highlands Province of PNG. The school caters for Grades 9 – 12 students mainly from Erave, Sugu Valley, Sumi and Kuare areas. It is a boarding school and has a student population of 800 students. Bus services from Kagua to Mendi / Hagen daily. The school offers courses in:
For further information the school can be contacted on the following address.
The Principal P O Box 68 Mendi SHP Phone: Related School: Sugu Valley High School
7/13/2014 08:08:18 am
What is the grade 12 and 10 examination perfomance rating of Kagua Secondary with all other schools in the country?
9/11/2014 01:11:37 pm
Kagua Secondary School is new school. However, frequent teacher absentisms has degraded the school.
Bata Circuit
6/22/2015 07:50:03 pm
any latest news about kss, regarding the overall outcome of the first half of the year?
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