Simbu Teachers College

Simbu Teachers colleges (STC) is a primary teacher training college located in Kundiawa, Simbu Province, Papua New Guinea. We provide an alternative Teacher Training College for students leaving Grade 12 seeking to train and pass out as Primary School Teacher with a Diploma in Primary Teaching.
STC was an initiative of the Simbu Provincial Government under the then leadership of Hon. Noah Kool in 2013. Since 2013, the college has had 4 graduations graduating about 2700 teachers.
We have 27 full time academic staff who ensure all students are properly trained and equiped to go out to the remote areas of PNG to teach our children.
STC was an initiative of the Simbu Provincial Government under the then leadership of Hon. Noah Kool in 2013. Since 2013, the college has had 4 graduations graduating about 2700 teachers.
We have 27 full time academic staff who ensure all students are properly trained and equiped to go out to the remote areas of PNG to teach our children.
STC History in Brief
- Simbu Teachers College established in 2013
- First graduation in 2014
- Second graduation in 2015
- 2016 two year program has changed to three year program.
- Third graduation in 2017
- Fourth graduation in 2018
- We have three Principals so far since the establishment of the college. They are;
- Clement Kaupa- Founding Principal (2013 -2016)
- Rev. Ben Mike- Former Principal (2016-2017)
- John Tecklau Kaupa- Incumbent Principal (2017-2019)
Academic Departments
The Academic Programs offered in Simbu Teachers College are delivered through the following five Strands;
The Academic Programs offered in Simbu Teachers College are delivered through the following five Strands;
- Professional Development
- Language Development
- Social Spiritual Development Studies
- Mathematics & Science
- Community Development
Simbu Teachers College is a teacher training college providing training and programs in primary teaching. The college has five strands that offers different teacher training courses. Professional Development Strand is the core of the five strands. The Professional Development Strand focuses and plays a major role on the effectiveness of implementing the curriculum in the teacher’s college.
The Strand runs programs for first year, second year and third year. The programs are designed to produce effective teachers who can go out confidently to teach in primary schools. Furthermore, the programs assist and molds each student teacher equipping him/her with necessary skills and knowledge to effectively teach, organize and manage classrooms and schools.
We have school experience and teaching practise programs for students to experience teaching environments. During teaching practices and school experiences, the student teachers are given six weeks opportunity to part take in the classroom practices and the school each year for three years.
Rejiela Vegu (Ms) – Head of Strand -Professional Development
The Strand runs programs for first year, second year and third year. The programs are designed to produce effective teachers who can go out confidently to teach in primary schools. Furthermore, the programs assist and molds each student teacher equipping him/her with necessary skills and knowledge to effectively teach, organize and manage classrooms and schools.
We have school experience and teaching practise programs for students to experience teaching environments. During teaching practices and school experiences, the student teachers are given six weeks opportunity to part take in the classroom practices and the school each year for three years.
Rejiela Vegu (Ms) – Head of Strand -Professional Development
Language Strand Academic and Professional Information
This brief information is basically excavate into the nitty-gritty of English-Language Development Strand for its impeccable implementation in this teachers training college. However, Language Strand is the second major academic component that the language lecturers performed their duty statements uninterruptedly by incorporated the philosophical concept of planning, developing, organising, delivering, monitoring and assessing the whole language approach (Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing Skills) efficiency and proficiency to enhance and embrace teaching and learning become more effective and standard to meet the requirements of Teachers Education Department and National Education Department as a whole . Moreover, Language Strand constituted of ten courses which offered to the student teachers in different semesters for all year groups (Year Ones, Twos & Threes).
Simultaneously, Language Strand is implementing the integral human development that is incorporated with other strands to make teaching and learning more effective and prosperous which enrich quality education. However, this information is further going to stress and cover those significant perspectives.
1. Strand Administrative Duties & Performance 2.Strand Professional Development 3. Teaching & Learning 4. Assessment.
1. Strand Administrative Duties & Performance
The Language Strand is consisting of four academic staff which are specialised in Language & Literatures. There are 4 positions to this strand. HOS-Level 8, Level 7 a senior position and two Base level positions is Level 6. Head of Strand is Mr Richard Deke, Senior Lecturer is Mrs Martha Agua and Two Base Level positions are occupied by Mr Peter Dama and Mrs Kwadi. The HOS performed his duty statement by demonstrating leadership in curriculum development, displaying interest, knowledge and willing to broaden own content and professional background to encompass all strand subjects components. On the other end, the senior lecturer coordinates the language courses and lecturing with the assistance of junior lecturers to ensure language courses deliver effectively to the students.
Frankly and evidently language lecturers are working collaboratively and cooperatively together to boost the college programs as well as administration to produce quality education for the students to reach the college benchmark. However, the Head of Strand working unitedly with other Strand Heads to partake and preside effervescently in executive forums in students’ disciplinary matters, staff, academics, graduation and other college programs is exuberantly cooperative. The cooperation and participation of language strand in this college administration is more servitude and helpful in the students integral development. Transparently, the administration continuously financed the strand to purchase needy stationaries and computers to assist the language lecturers to support their teaching and learning more effective.
2. Strand Professional Development
The Language Lecturers attained Masters and first Degrees in overseas and UOG and majoring Language & Literature and minor in other Humanities courses. Their merits qualified them to teach the best concepts according to their own specialisation content knowledge which ennoble and rejuvenate language skills more effective and standard for students’ consumption and acquirement. Sarcastically, this college must be proud of one of the language course namely, ‘’Phonology’’ (Phonics) which is a precedent and preeminent compare to other colleges. Simbu Teachers College is the only college to teach phonics. Fortunately, we have Mr Peter Dama who is a connoisseur in Phonics. He specially and predominantly engaged to the third years. Consequently, this particular course innovate standard and quality to language strand. Evidently, language strand has contributed vast knowledge and skills to the staff professional development. However, the HOS-Mr Richard Deke is also instrumental and performed actively as a co-facilitator in training the SBE/SBC to the lecturers to be knowledgeable and competent in the new curriculum before compartmentalised into cluster groups as facilitators to disseminate concepts of SBE/SBC to the entire primary school teachers in each 6 districts and inspectorates all around Simbu. Also he is a Provincial Trainer who trained all trainers to train all the primary school teachers in the entire province. Hence, the training of SBE/SBC was successfully done and achieved.
3. Strand Teaching and Learning
Teaching and Learning is the philosophical concepts and fundamental perspectives to enhance and promote integral human development. The strand on its capacity have sufficient resources such as, student text books, handbooks and lecturers own published materials. As a result of, the readily availability of these resources made accessible for the lecturers to plan and edify overviews of each course for different semesters to accomplish and impart in-depth knowledge and skills to the students to make learning more interesting and effective. Due to their coherent and strategic planning and organisation, they have successfully completed all the modules and topics accordingly.
However, their attendance and participation in the college programs and timetables is most rewarding. Contrary, we have missed classes due to studies, professional itineraries and personal matters but we never discouraged our students’ learning. We dedicated, committed and sacrificed our lives to give first preference to our students to cover all the topics. Consequently, we discovered all courses for each semester in this year fruitfully and prosperously.
4. Strand Assessment
Assessment is the core of teaching and learning. Assessment is the ongoing process of, collecting, reflecting on, analysing and interpreting using of information to develop an explicit picture of students as learners. To measure students’ performances and learning abilities is through conduction of assessment. We planned assessment schedules and inserted different weeks for different semesters and executed as plan. We gave different assessable tasks to collect cumulative marks of 100. The planning and execution of assessment is basically focus on Bloom’s Taxonomy. However, all the assessments for language courses were successfully completed and lodged to the Deputy Academic office for final filtration and processing of grades/GPAs.
To conclude, we the staff of Language Strand, would like to convey our sincere gratitude and honourable respect to Simbu Teachers Administration, Governing Council, staff, students, parents, stakeholders, viewers and not forgetting our bosses Teachers Education Department and National Department of Education for undivided support to this college and ensure that the lecturers have to impart required knowledge and skills to produce standard and quality teachers to educate our present and future generations of this nation.
Mr. Richard Dege – Head of Strand
This brief information is basically excavate into the nitty-gritty of English-Language Development Strand for its impeccable implementation in this teachers training college. However, Language Strand is the second major academic component that the language lecturers performed their duty statements uninterruptedly by incorporated the philosophical concept of planning, developing, organising, delivering, monitoring and assessing the whole language approach (Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing Skills) efficiency and proficiency to enhance and embrace teaching and learning become more effective and standard to meet the requirements of Teachers Education Department and National Education Department as a whole . Moreover, Language Strand constituted of ten courses which offered to the student teachers in different semesters for all year groups (Year Ones, Twos & Threes).
Simultaneously, Language Strand is implementing the integral human development that is incorporated with other strands to make teaching and learning more effective and prosperous which enrich quality education. However, this information is further going to stress and cover those significant perspectives.
1. Strand Administrative Duties & Performance 2.Strand Professional Development 3. Teaching & Learning 4. Assessment.
1. Strand Administrative Duties & Performance
The Language Strand is consisting of four academic staff which are specialised in Language & Literatures. There are 4 positions to this strand. HOS-Level 8, Level 7 a senior position and two Base level positions is Level 6. Head of Strand is Mr Richard Deke, Senior Lecturer is Mrs Martha Agua and Two Base Level positions are occupied by Mr Peter Dama and Mrs Kwadi. The HOS performed his duty statement by demonstrating leadership in curriculum development, displaying interest, knowledge and willing to broaden own content and professional background to encompass all strand subjects components. On the other end, the senior lecturer coordinates the language courses and lecturing with the assistance of junior lecturers to ensure language courses deliver effectively to the students.
Frankly and evidently language lecturers are working collaboratively and cooperatively together to boost the college programs as well as administration to produce quality education for the students to reach the college benchmark. However, the Head of Strand working unitedly with other Strand Heads to partake and preside effervescently in executive forums in students’ disciplinary matters, staff, academics, graduation and other college programs is exuberantly cooperative. The cooperation and participation of language strand in this college administration is more servitude and helpful in the students integral development. Transparently, the administration continuously financed the strand to purchase needy stationaries and computers to assist the language lecturers to support their teaching and learning more effective.
2. Strand Professional Development
The Language Lecturers attained Masters and first Degrees in overseas and UOG and majoring Language & Literature and minor in other Humanities courses. Their merits qualified them to teach the best concepts according to their own specialisation content knowledge which ennoble and rejuvenate language skills more effective and standard for students’ consumption and acquirement. Sarcastically, this college must be proud of one of the language course namely, ‘’Phonology’’ (Phonics) which is a precedent and preeminent compare to other colleges. Simbu Teachers College is the only college to teach phonics. Fortunately, we have Mr Peter Dama who is a connoisseur in Phonics. He specially and predominantly engaged to the third years. Consequently, this particular course innovate standard and quality to language strand. Evidently, language strand has contributed vast knowledge and skills to the staff professional development. However, the HOS-Mr Richard Deke is also instrumental and performed actively as a co-facilitator in training the SBE/SBC to the lecturers to be knowledgeable and competent in the new curriculum before compartmentalised into cluster groups as facilitators to disseminate concepts of SBE/SBC to the entire primary school teachers in each 6 districts and inspectorates all around Simbu. Also he is a Provincial Trainer who trained all trainers to train all the primary school teachers in the entire province. Hence, the training of SBE/SBC was successfully done and achieved.
3. Strand Teaching and Learning
Teaching and Learning is the philosophical concepts and fundamental perspectives to enhance and promote integral human development. The strand on its capacity have sufficient resources such as, student text books, handbooks and lecturers own published materials. As a result of, the readily availability of these resources made accessible for the lecturers to plan and edify overviews of each course for different semesters to accomplish and impart in-depth knowledge and skills to the students to make learning more interesting and effective. Due to their coherent and strategic planning and organisation, they have successfully completed all the modules and topics accordingly.
However, their attendance and participation in the college programs and timetables is most rewarding. Contrary, we have missed classes due to studies, professional itineraries and personal matters but we never discouraged our students’ learning. We dedicated, committed and sacrificed our lives to give first preference to our students to cover all the topics. Consequently, we discovered all courses for each semester in this year fruitfully and prosperously.
4. Strand Assessment
Assessment is the core of teaching and learning. Assessment is the ongoing process of, collecting, reflecting on, analysing and interpreting using of information to develop an explicit picture of students as learners. To measure students’ performances and learning abilities is through conduction of assessment. We planned assessment schedules and inserted different weeks for different semesters and executed as plan. We gave different assessable tasks to collect cumulative marks of 100. The planning and execution of assessment is basically focus on Bloom’s Taxonomy. However, all the assessments for language courses were successfully completed and lodged to the Deputy Academic office for final filtration and processing of grades/GPAs.
To conclude, we the staff of Language Strand, would like to convey our sincere gratitude and honourable respect to Simbu Teachers Administration, Governing Council, staff, students, parents, stakeholders, viewers and not forgetting our bosses Teachers Education Department and National Department of Education for undivided support to this college and ensure that the lecturers have to impart required knowledge and skills to produce standard and quality teachers to educate our present and future generations of this nation.
Mr. Richard Dege – Head of Strand
Our strand is the combination of Social Science and Christian Religious Education that are taught at the secondary and primary levels. At the college level we teach subjects under these two areas.
The main focus of the Social and Spiritual Development Strand is to instil Christian and moral values and ethics into our students who will then teach the same values and principles to their students in the primary schools when they become teachers. The subjects that we teach in Simbu Teachers College in our strand are:
Year GroupSemester 1Semester 2
1Natural and Cultural Environment
Introduction to Politics and Government
Expressive Arts
2Spiritual and Moral Education
PNG History and Contemporary Issues
3Economic Development Social science ReviewApart from our classroom lectures in these subjects, we are also actively involved in the social, cultural and spiritual activities of the college.
There are five lecturers in the Social and Spiritual Development Strand:
The main focus of the Social and Spiritual Development Strand is to instil Christian and moral values and ethics into our students who will then teach the same values and principles to their students in the primary schools when they become teachers. The subjects that we teach in Simbu Teachers College in our strand are:
Year GroupSemester 1Semester 2
1Natural and Cultural Environment
Introduction to Politics and Government
Expressive Arts
2Spiritual and Moral Education
PNG History and Contemporary Issues
3Economic Development Social science ReviewApart from our classroom lectures in these subjects, we are also actively involved in the social, cultural and spiritual activities of the college.
There are five lecturers in the Social and Spiritual Development Strand:
- Mr Peter Kol (Head of Strand)
- Mr Peter Goiye (Senior Lecturer)
- Ms Koine Karap (Lecturer)
- Mrs Debbie Nime (Lecturer)
- Rev. Mike Ben (just joined us)
Maths & Science StrandMathematics & Science Strand is one of the five strands that make up the Academic Departments at this college. Under the three year Diploma in Primary Teaching Program, the following are some of the courses offered to different year groups.
1. Numeracy Skills
2. Space and Measurement
3. Statistics and Probability
4. Algebra
5. Living Things and Environment
6. Physical Science
7. Earth Science
Mathematics & Science Strand Members.
1. Numeracy Skills
2. Space and Measurement
3. Statistics and Probability
4. Algebra
5. Living Things and Environment
6. Physical Science
7. Earth Science
Mathematics & Science Strand Members.
- Mr. Dunstan Dirua – MSc UK, BEd UOG, DST UPNG, Cert Card Recs Aust, Cert Conflict Resolution CH
Head of Strand - Mr. David Kimin – BEd Hons UOG, DST UPNG
Senior Lecturer - Mr. Benjamin Kaphil – MEd DWU, BEd DWU, Dipl Elec DBTI
Senior Lecturer - Mr. George Wamil – BScEng Unitech, PGDE UPNG
Lecturer - Mr. Francis Mane – BEd UOG
how to apply to simbu teachers colelge
There are two ways in students can apply to study at Simbu teachers college.
School leavers can apply through the Online Applciation System or School Leavers forms and must put first choice on the school leavers forms.
Download Non Schools Leavers forms for Simbu Teachers college or request for one on this email address : If you wish to come study at the Simbu Teachers College, please download the Non School Leaver Application form and email us at [email protected]
Download Non School Leavers Application Form for Simbu Teachers College
- Non School Leavers
- School Leavers.
School leavers can apply through the Online Applciation System or School Leavers forms and must put first choice on the school leavers forms.
Download Non Schools Leavers forms for Simbu Teachers college or request for one on this email address : If you wish to come study at the Simbu Teachers College, please download the Non School Leaver Application form and email us at [email protected]
Download Non School Leavers Application Form for Simbu Teachers College
Simbu Teachers College Contact Addresses
You can contact Simbu Teachers College
Office number on +(675) 725 74707 or write to them at;
The Principal,
Simbu Teachers College,
P.O.Box 158, Kundiawa,
Simbu Province,
Papua New Guinea
You may be interested in other Teachers Colleges in PNG or also check out : Study in Papua New Guinea website for more information
You can contact Simbu Teachers College
Office number on +(675) 725 74707 or write to them at;
The Principal,
Simbu Teachers College,
P.O.Box 158, Kundiawa,
Simbu Province,
Papua New Guinea
You may be interested in other Teachers Colleges in PNG or also check out : Study in Papua New Guinea website for more information