Bugandi Secondary school is located in the heart of Lae City in Morobe Province. The schools has Upper and Lower Secondary. Upper Secondary: English, Mathematics A, Maths B, Physics, Chemistry, Biology History, Economics, Accounting, Business Studies, Geography, Physical Education Lower Secondary: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Commerce, Home Economics, Business Studies, Religion, Arts, Personal Development,
School Description (location,staff,students,course offered, boarding statues, private/government etc)
Located in Madang province with staff numbered to 32. Lower secondary courses include Mathematics, English, Science, Social Science, PD compulsory. Business Students and Arts are options for lower secondary. Upper Secongdary course include, Language, mathematics A and B, Chemistry, physics, Biology, History, Geography, Accounting . The school is a boarding with few day stds. The school belong to the Luthran ageny. Contacts. P.O.Box 440 Madang , ph +67571328247 Email:[email protected] Lufa Secondary school is located in Lufa district of Eastern Highlands Province. The schools has Upper and Lower Secondary. Upper Secondary: English, Mathematics A, Maths B, Physics, Chemistry, Biology History, Economics, Accounting, Business Studies, Geography, Physical Education Lower Secondary: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Commerce, Home Economics, Business Studies, Religion, Arts, Personal Development,
Kainantu Technical Secondary school is located in the Eastern Highlands Province. The schools has Upper and Lower Secondary. Upper Secondary: English, Mathematics A, Maths B, Physics, Chemistry, Biology History, Economics, Accounting, Business Studies, Geography, Physical Education Lower Secondary: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Commerce, Home Economics, Business Studies, Religion, Arts, Personal Development,
Kabiufa Adventist Secondary school is located in the Eastern Highlands Province. The school is run by the Seventh-Day Adventist church. The schools has Upper and Lower Secondary. Upper Secondary: English, Mathematics A, Maths B, Physics, Chemistry, Biology History, Economics, Accounting, Business Studies, Geography, Physical Education Lower Secondary: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Commerce, Home Economics, Business Studies, Religion, Arts, Personal Development,
Goroka Secondary school is located in the capital of Eastern Highlands Province. The schools has Upper and Lower Secondary. Upper Secondary: English, Mathematics A, Maths B, Physics, Chemistry, Biology History, Economics, Accounting, Business Studies, Geography, Physical Education Lower Secondary: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Commerce, Home Economics, Business Studies, Religion, Arts, Personal Development,
Bena Bena Secondary school is located in the Eastern Highlands Province. The schools has Upper and Lower Secondary.
Upper Secondary: English, Mathematics A, Maths B, Physics, Chemistry, Biology History, Economics, Accounting, Business Studies, Geography, Physical Education Lower Secondary: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Commerce, Home Economics, Business Studies, Religion, Arts, Personal Development, Aiyura National High School is located in the Eastern Highlands Province. Recently the school name has changed to School of Excellence. Courses offered at the school English, Mathematics A, Maths B, Physics, Chemistry, Biology History, Economics, Accounting, Business Studies, Geography, Physical Education
Asaroka Lutheran Secondary School is located outside the Goroka business centre, Daulo District, which comprises of 74 teaching staff, with more than 2500 plus students. There are 9 departments, Language & Literature, Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities, Business Studies, Personal Developments & Christian Life Studies. it is one of the Agency School (Lutheran) served as both Boarding and Day since established. The school also has 30 support staff. It is an ideal location surrounded by a single village.
Upper Secondary: English, Mathematics A, Maths B, Physics, Chemistry, Biology History, Economics, Accounting, Business Studies, Geography, Physical Education Lower Secondary: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Commerce, Home Economics, Business Studies, Religion, Arts, Personal Development, Gumine Secondary school is located in the Gumine District of Simbu Province. The schools has Upper and Lower Secondary. Upper Secondary: English, Mathematics A, Maths B, Physics, Chemistry, Biology History, Economics, Accounting, Business Studies, Geography, Physical Education Lower Secondary: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Commerce, Home Economics, Business Studies, Religion, Arts, Personal Development,
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