By Robert Iki Leso
Sometime ago, I have stated this but I wish to say it again because many people are ignorant of this and their consequences. Serve selflessly with passion. Love without limit and conditions. Because life is too short to drag on, roll in the mud and carry loads that are not worth keeping. Anything we do, let us do with genuine heart knowing that the Lord is our secret witness and the judge at the same time. I have observed amazing things over few years of my life. Not that I lived that long but looking back and to date following are what I have observed. We humans think that this do not matter and are brushed under the rug, paying little attention to their consequences. We should be careful when we curse, gossip or say something bad against someone, a man of God, a relative, or friend closer to our fire place.
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by Robert Iki Leso Things that appear to be small, weak and vulnerable should never be underestimated, overlooked and pushed under the rug. Imagine how you drink water. Do you chew or swallow water? Do you crack some bones when you drink water? You make the judgment. Water has no bones and muscles when you drink or swim in it. But what happens when it floods or increases in size and volume? Then we no longer call them a glass of water that we drink. We call them rivers, lakes, sea or even ocean. These are the waters that you cannot drink them but they can kill or drown you. *A true father goes through many unspeakable experiences to continue to be a father.* *When he goes out daily in search of bread for his household, he sustains many mental injuries he does not discuss with his family.* *His wife and children may not be able to stand the pains he goes through if he shares it with them.* *The insults from his boss,the embarrassment from his customers,the harassment from his superiors,etc.Yet he can't quit.* *Most times,when he gets home,he is welcomed with nags and unending requests.He gets blames for not being able to meet up, or for not being able to be like his fellow men.* *Hmmmm!He is rarely appreciated for his struggles and push just to keep the family together.* * Business Motivations By Tiri Kuimbakul The Western development model which is based on congregating large populations of landless people in cities who are dependent on paid jobs for their livelihoods will not work in PNG (this has been proven through 45 years of experimentation) because of one fundamental reason: OUR PEOPLE OWN LAND. All development policies including education should be aimed at empowering the majority of our people to create wealth and sustainable livelihoods based on their land and local resources, while allowing a minority to live on paid jobs in towns and cities. This will mean focusing on developing the rural areas (improving/building rural roads, bridges, jetties; improving law and order; improving aid posts and health centres etc) and changing the education curriculum to focus more on lifeskills training and less on preparing students for white collar jobs which don't exist. By Michael Ipa Below are six (6) attitudes to avoid if you want to be successful in Life.
Twenty-one students from the Human Development Institute (HDI) in Port Moresby graduated last Friday. Among them was Elizabeth Wippon and her daughters. She was the top student being able to make K6,000 in a week. That was more than the target of K1,000 set and 10 students were able to make K1,000. HDI founder Dr Samuel Tam commonly known as ‘Papa Sam’ by many of the grassroots people in Papua New Guinea revealed that the students also referred to as praxis at HDI were thought how to start with K10 to make K1000 in a week. By Tiri Kuimbakul My parents were poor. To make matters worse, my father gambled what little money he earned from working at a nearby tea plantation. Sometimes he won; many times he lost. I was selected to go to Grade 7 at Hagen High School in 1978. The fee was K150 for boarding and K75 for day students. My parents couldn't afford K150, so I became a day student. Even then I nearly didn't make it because they were short of K20. The Lord used the old man in this picture to save my life (we call him Wasman because in his young days he always got up early in the morning with the birds and awakened everyone in the village.) The trend in which Business Opportunities in Papua New Guinea is prevailing is that all of the businesses from small scale to big companies are now being taken over by foreigners. Does that mean we sit back and relax? We here at PNG Education News Center try to educate Papua New Guineans of the ways they can make a living by doing business and become business men and women and flourish.
Lets take back our businesses Below are few areas we think, anyone can make a move to start up a business and be successful. 1. Start from Scratch (Small things) Big things start from small things. Example, start sell betelnuts, smoke and PKs, lollies. Accumulate the little money. Let it grow. Expand it and don't give up 2. Make Gardens and sell your products Fresh garden goods are king. They sell out quickly. Accumulate the little money you get. Continue to make garden. Invest in growing more vegetables. Hire more people to help you make gardens. The more vegetables you sell, the more you get. 3. Make Carvings The increase in tourism in PNG means you can get good amount of money by carvings, PNG bilums, paintings etc. 4. Lend Money If you live in towns and cities and you do not have land, start lending money. You can start from as small as K100. Lend money on small interest. 5. Property Marketing If you already have cars, taxis, rental house, rent stores. Please do not tell foreigners to use your properties for them to make money. Rather you ask them to lend their money to you so that your run the business yourselves and repay theirs. |
PNG Business Tips and MotivationsDoing business in Papua New Guinea is everyone's dream and to accomplish that dream needs inspirations. On this page, we give inspiration tips on how to start and run businesses in Papua New Guinea. If you have testimonies on how you became a business man or women in this country, we would like to publish them. Shoot us an email on : [email protected] |